Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Scott Stricklin: Drills & Techniques to Develop an All-Star Catcher (DVD)

Scott Stricklin: Drills & Techniques to Develop an All-Star Catcher (DVD) Review

Product Overview

with Scott Stricklin,Kent State University Head Coach;former Georgia Tech Assistant CoachCoach Stricklin brings his wealth of knowledge on catching in this comprehensive DVD on catching. Stricklin discusses four key areas - the setup, proper receiving, blocking pitches and proper throwing. Areas covered in the setup section include the three proper stances - signal calling, primary and secondary, the stance used when runners are on base or there are two strikes on the hitter. In this section he demonstrates proper body and hand position to receive the ball and to hide signals. In the receiving section, Stricklin details the four keys to properly receive or frame the ball while making the pitch look as good as possible. In the blocking section areas covered include the ideal for the glove, arms, chest, head and feet to block pitches. In the throwing section, Stricklin demonstrates the proper techniques to develop quick hands and feet, the crucial techniques to improve a catcher's throwing ability. Over 15 drills are demonstrated to help fine tune these techniques. This former two tape set brings all the techniques and drills to develop an All-Star catcher onto one disc. 76 minutes. 2003.

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