Monday, August 15, 2011

Pre-Cord, Shoulder Warm-up Device, Baseball Resistance Band

Pre-Cord, Shoulder Warm-up Device, Baseball Resistance Band Review

Product Feature

  • Increases blood flow to your muscles and neurologically prepares your body for high-speed, high-force movements.
  • Warms up the arm and shoulders, reducing the chance of chronic injuries when working with more intensive efforts.
  • Works with the natural flexibility of your shoulder, enabling to train your arm and shoulders by moving them in any number of directions, replicating the shoulder movements of your own sport.
  • Snap hook allows you to attach one end of the cord to a stationary object, such as a fence, tree, or pole, making this a very portable device.
  • Manufactured by a company that's been in business since 1990, producer of time-tested, popular exercise and rehabilitation products including the ShoulderHorn, the RumbleRoller and the SportCord. This means the Pre-Cord is safe, effective, and of the highest quality.

Product Overview


Throw too hard, too much, too early, and especially without rest, and you can tear a ligament, inflame muscular tissue, or compress a nerve -- and your arm is out of action.


How do you prevent injuries?

Practice good biomechanics, strengthening, conditioning, proper rest . . . AND WARM-UPS.

Warm ups is where the Pre-Cord comes in.

The Pre-Cord INCREASES BLOOD FLOW to your muscles and neurologically prepares your body for high-speed, high-force movements.

Warm-ups are especially important for your shoulders because they're the most unstable joints in your body. The shoulder joint allows you to move your arms in infinite directions, but each movement requires your nervous system to use more than a dozen different muscles. FAILURE OF ANY OF THOSE MUSCLES CAN CREATE UNBALANCED LOADS ON YOUR SHOULDER JOINTS, and lead to injury.

By warming up the muscles with lighter loads with the Pre-Cord, YOU PREPARE THEM FOR MORE INTENSE EFFORTS AND GREATLY REDUCE YOUR CHANCE OF INJURY.

Check out the photos above in the photo carousel on this Amazon product page. The Forward Movement conditions the front side of your shoulder that propels a ball forward. Slowly move your arm through your normal throwing motion, pause, and then reverse the direction. Repeat this several times.

The Backward Movement (again see photos) conditions the back side of the shoulders. This stabilizes the shoulder during throwing movements. The motion for this exercise is a reverse of the forward movement. Hold the ball at arms length in front then pull it back to your cocked throwing position in one slow, fluid movement.

When repeating either the Forward and Backward Movements, make slight changes in your direction. Picture an imaginary clock in front or back of you and aim for different positions, letting your movement slowly progress from overhead to sidearm.

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